Welcome, Delaware County Alumni

Delaware County Alumni,

Some of you may be familiar with us but for those of you who are not, we’d like to take a moment to introduce ourselves. We’re the Ohio State Alumni Club of Delaware County. The Ohio State University Alumni Association (OSUAA) chartered our club in September 2011. While we have a close relationship with OSUAA, we are our own entity.

Our club has four goals:

  • Raise money to provide scholarships to Ohio State-bound Delaware County students.
  • Encourage Delaware County students to attend The Ohio State University
  • Participate in local community service activities
  • Provide Buckeye fellowship and fun

In the intervening years, we have accomplished quite a number of milestones such as:

  • Awarded eight scholarships to Delaware County students!
  • Raised over $50,000 to establish a permanent scholarship fund
  • Held many social activities, including game watches, fundraisers and community service activities
  • Obtained a 501(c)(3) status
  • Connected with corporations for donations to our scholarship fund

Despite our many achievements, there is so much more that we want to do. We rely on our network of alumni and friends to help us.

Membership dues provide a significant portion of the money for our scholarships. It’s simple, easy and inexpensive (only $25/person) to join our club. Visit our membership page to register.

Support the scholarship fund when you shop at Amazon, Kroger and College Traditions. Learn more about how to increase your impact.

Attend our club events and activities, many of which are free. Check out event schedule.

Last, you can make a tax-free donation to the scholarship fund online. Click here to get started.

We hope to meet you in person very soon. In the meantime, please email osualumniclubdelaware@gmail.com with questions or to be added to our newsletter.